
The Afram Plains area, over 120 sq miles, in the Eastern region of Ghana, is a strategic unexplored fertile land area for potential Agricultural and Agro Processing industries.

This district is virtually a peninsula cut off on three sides by the Volta Lake (the largest man-made lake in the world in terms of surface area).

The favourable climate and soil fertility conditions of this Afram Plains area are extremely favourable to support increased large-scale commercial agricultural production.

Ghana is far behind in agricultural mechanization and with this proposed Afram Plains Green Gold  Project, we are poised to become a leading agricultural producing company, producing major food items for the sub-Sahara region.


  • Agricultural & Agro Processing
  • Automobile Battery Production
  • Salt Production


Agricultural & Agro Processing

Turning the Afram Plains into a giant agricultural and agro-processing district as shown in the picture above to produce agricultural products for both home consumption and exports.

Our project is to turn it to become a major source of staple foods and vegetables for home consumption and exports.

Ghana is blessed with arable lands and is ready for large-scale commercial farming, and we are just on course to become a leading agricultural company in Ghana, supplying food for home consumption and exports.


Maize is the most important cereal crop in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) and an important staple food for more than 1.2 billion people in SSA and Latin America. Worldwide production of maize is 785 million tons, with the largest producer, the United States,  producing 42%, and Africa producing 6.5%. Worldwide consumption of maize is more than 116 million tons with Africa consuming 30% and sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) consuming 21%. Africa imports 28% of the required maize from countries outside the continent. Most maize production in Africa is rain fed. Irregular rainfall can trigger famines during occasional droughts. In our proposed Afram Plains South project, our initial target is 480 hectares of maize in a 2 yearly cycle production yielding approximately 4,800 metric tons in a year. Our maximum target is 24,000 hectares of maize farm producing 72,000 metric tons per year.

SORGHUM − A Nutritional Powerhouse

Grain Sorghum contains a significant amount of niacin, riboflavin, and thiamin, as well as high levels of magnesium iron, copper, calcium, and phosphorus. A single serving of roughly half a cup has nearly half the recommended amount of dietary fibre and nearly 11 grams of protein. This versatile crop is also used to make ethanol and to create durable building materials. It’s also an important grain for livestock feed and finds its way into pet food.  Sorghum is the 5th most widely grown crop in the world. The largest area of sorghum production is in India, followed by Nigeria, Sudan, and Niger. Fifty-three percent(53%) of the world’s production area is located in the sub-Sahara Africa (SSA). In sub-Sahara Africa (SSA), sorghum covers the 2nd largest area after maize.  Sorghum is able to tolerate drought better than most other grain crops. Africa produces 20 million tonnes out of the annual world sorghum production of over 60 million tonnes. In our proposed Afram Plains South Project, our initial target is 240 hectares of sorghum in a 3 yearly cycle production, yielding 27,000 tonnes per year. Our maximum target is 2,400 hectares of sorghum,  producing 2.7 million tonnes per year. 

SOYBEAN − A Tremendous Crop

Soybean is a leguminous vegetable of the pea family that grows in tropical, subtropical, and temperate climates. Worldwide soybean demand is 120 million metric tonnes (4.4 billion bushels) greater than it was just a decade ago. World soybean demand is growing. Africa imports nearly as much soybean as it produces. Commercial soybean production on large-scale farms takes place in Zambia, Zimbabwe, and South  Africa. However, it is mostly cultivated by small-scale farmers in other parts of Africa, where it is planted as a minor food crop among sorghum, maize, or cassava. Soybean consists of more than 36% protein, 30% carbohydrates, and excellent amounts of dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals. It also consists of 20% oil which makes it the most important crop for producing edible oil. Many leguminous crops provide some protein, but soybean is the only available crop that provides an inexpensive and high-quality source of protein comparable to meat, poultry, and eggs. Soybean also improves soil fertility by adding nitrogen to the atmosphere. This is a major benefit of the African farming system. In our proposed Afram Plains South Project our initial target is 240 hectares of soybean in a 2-cycle yearly production yielding 15,600 tonnes per year. Our maximum target is 30,000 tonnes per year.

Soybean suitability map for Africa

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